1st of march 2019 I released my new fanzine with street-photography. This time my intention was to go color. Many of my followers have asked for some colorpics, -well, you all know that my passion is Black & White… but this time I do what I was asked for. Was the result lucky? It depends on the eyes that look. I hope that you all will like it 🙂

A little taster from the publication…

All pictures are taken with my old Olympus OM-D E-5 and my 17mm (34mm ekvivalent) f:1.8. I looking for a new camera house these days, but I’m unshure for my next choise. Shoud I stay with my M4:3 system or change to a APS-C or even full format sensor? I change my mind from one minutte to another, but next week I will go to Oslo to check out the possibilities…

The book front
The back side of the book

This publication are 52 pages in A5 landscape format with 29 color photos. The first print run are limited to 80 copies. Price: €17 – International shipping included.

Order your copy here!

New publication :: in color

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