The store is not available at the moment. New E-shop will be ready soon.
In the section of self published books & fanzines you will recognice the company “4you Publishing”. This is my own small independent publishing house established here in Norway. The passion here is to designing, producing and publishing art and photography books & zines. A classic small scale publication company. First of all it was established to release own work, but now we are looking for other photographers and artists too.
In the section for “Rare and 2nd hand books” you will find valuable photobooks for sale. Some of them from my own collection and some new ones published by other publishers or photographers from around the world. It could be new books just for sale or books that I have duplicated in my own collection.
I initially focus on short-run series, with a maximum of 100-500 books or even smaller series for Zines, and all releases are for independent distrubution and sale.
By extension I will also try to arrange various events with topics related to photography and photography books.
And remember: If you support your local publisher, it will provide more great small scale releases in the future!
Thank you!
Morten Gjerde
Photographer, Small Scale Publisher & Editor